Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Original Woods

After reading the recent review in Dirt Rag of the OWB29 frame from the crew at EWR bikes.


Well, it confirms for me that is the frame I want to build up next. Unfortunatly this will be delayed till August as winter financially didn't go as planned. Though it will encourage me to be even more frugal over the coming months.

Event wise decisions will be made in the coming week and a half. It will be either the Uxbridge Icebreaker or the Tour of Pelham. Just waiting for a scheduling confirmation from Joely. If it's Uxbridge it will be the 60km and if it's Tour of Pelham it will be 30km.

Uxbridge- http://bikenxs.com/

Tour of Pelham- http://www.laketolake.ca/tourofpelham.php

Now if only we could bribe that dirt bag singlespeeding reprobate Dicky to come to Canada to race. But then he wouldn't get by the border with his Equine EPO and Ketamine.