Last year in the lead up to Paul's Dirty Enduro was looking for spots to ride both to add in mileage and do something new. Decided to see if there was a way to connect the hydroline track to the old county road that used to connect with Jim Snow Drive. Got part way there but ran out of time snow wise.
Today decided to try again and see if I can get through and this would take a bit of exploring.
Of course being the Spring it is required that there must be a minimum of 2 creek crossings in the first 15 minutes.
And this was the beginnings of a ride of wet feet and bog and water.
Just after the water was the slog across the farmers field then up to Brule Rd.
And a classic but of hydro line gravel
The second half past Odessa road is better in Spring and late Fall as the Wild Parsnip is not around. When I came out last year there was lots of that stuff dead around.
After hopping the fence it was the grass covered track slog heading towards Ernestown and the Wind Farm. I was hoping that the already finished wind turbine would make a good land mark to find a way to connect the rest of the track.
And I was right that I could see the turbine and now had a point of reference I knew. Continued straight though to see how far it would go....dead end.
Back tracked to a quad track I had spotted and headed in the direction of the turbine. Thus began the Mephisto's Bog Trotters phase.
Lots of carrying and mud was involved. Something a Mr Cranwell was commenting on there being a lack of this weekend.
After lots of bog..mud..carrying...creek crossing.... about an hour and a half later.....Victory. Connected to the old county road. And it turns out the route I was looking for is the snowmobile route. Just had to finish with a slog along the edge of the farmers field to connect to this track.
Deserves a reward of Rum.
At this point it was almost 6. Was low on water and killed of the last bit of Dr P left so headed back via Millhaven road. Had a beer in the pack waiting for the look out near the 401.
Got home after a bit more then 5 hours with a now completed route making a loop. Or if I am in the mood a out and back. Think I will try that version before the Wild Parsnip starts growing again.