Monday, October 1, 2012


On Saturday headed out to the Hydroline with the mission of looking into a new developmemt in the last 3 weeks. That being the sudden appearance of fencing on a ATV track. Which according to the sign has been done by the golf course.

    Yet according to this handy nifty electronic voodoo device shows that the golf course is at least 500m or more away. So what is going on?

                                 Looks like ATV track almost.

                     With blue trail markers nailed to the trees.

More fencing and it appears some have been poaching.

 I hope this isn't a case of the golf course expanding under the radar. As from a brief google there was not much found.  Part of me is suspect as it would be incredibly easy in this case to try to push the property line past where it actually is.

  Further down the line the Turkey Vultures where out. Appropriate considering my mood.

 The hydroline ATV track in fact does connect to Creekford as I suspected.