Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Tools Carried

Since I had to clean out the tool section of my larger hydration pack. I thought now was a time to share what old dirt bag type riders carry in their packs on the trail to do trailside repairs.
One has to understand that having grown up in BC and especially starting mountain biking in the mountains. I learned the importance of being able to do your own repairs. Because the reality is if you can't it's a long walk and potentially cold walk out.

Tire levers are always required. Normally smaller plastic but because I use a more heavy duty tire I carry these metal levers. The longer length allows more torque to be applied when prying of stubborn tires from the rim.

Shock pump for when the forks need some air. As having one's fork bottom out easily is no fun.
Spare tube as it's easier to simply replace the tube and patch the damaged tube at home.
Small hand pump for when a flat happens. In some situations this will be supplemented with a couple CO2 canisters.

Gerber Multi Plier.. handy for many things from pulling objects from tire to cutting up energy bars.

You know it always amazes me how many people ride with nothing for tools. Nothing messes up your ride like having a mechanical that can't be fixed because you don't have tools. Plus in some places it can equal a very miserable walk home.

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